Sunday, November 19, 2006

this week in photos

since i'm not so into the typing these days (i'm taking a new tack: my arm is not busted, it's healing.), y'all get to enjoy some of the photos i've been having fun taking left-handed, holding the camera upside down, of course. how do real lefties take photos, i wonder? do they have to get special cameras? or perhaps they just give that bit of control to the most responsible finger on their right hand. i don't know, but geez, shooting lefty is an awful production for me.
anyway, pictured you will find (in no particular order, i figure you can figure which is which) two swans at twin ponds, who were exceedingly cooperative models and posed for me for like an hour... my amazing friend karen's bottom half, on a hike at twin ponds. if i only had an ounce of her style (perhaps i wouldn't be rotating the same 3 t-shirts on a daily basis).... my fantabulous sisters, elizabeth & catherine, being silly together (such fun they are.... even after having had them in my life for like 6 years, i still feel like having sisters is like this incredibly precious gift in my hands, unexpected)... my sister liz, laying around on the floor of the day care i live in (long story) during our sistergirls' night on saturday.... also, my dear friend amanda in the woods at sunken meadow, the amazing sky reflecting in her sunglasses..... the woodsy/watery scenery at sunken meadow..... i've been spending lots of time outside lately. fall in new york is somewhat breathtaking, most of the time, and i'm in a particular position to be able to enjoy it right now. so i'm hitting twin ponds, welwyn, sunken meadow, and every other outdoor paradise i can find.... and feeling weirdly grateful for this strange time.


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