Friday, July 21, 2006

it's been a strange and wonderful week so far, and it's not nearly over.

spent monday with the lovely and talented kristi, playing technique and going for walks in the sunshine with the lovely miss chloe. me and chloe, we're buds. chloe is a very discerning little dogster-girl, so she took her time making up her mind about me. but in the end, we made nice and she posed quite nicely for several photographs. and now i'm addicted to this dashboard confessional stuff. forgive me for being the most out-of-the-loop girl, but it is a new thing to me. and i like it ever so much!

on tuesday i had a margarita at noon. actually, i think it was like 12:20. it was a mango margarita. it was kind of a milestone. i don't even drink, really. at least not as an activity. but it was the anniversary of the day my friend amanda got into a car accident and totally busted her leg and got completely effed up but now a year later she can walk and do stuff and she's doing so much better than they thought she could and so we (me & amanda & stephen, boyfriend of amanda and all-around awesome guy) went out to lunch to celebrate and we had margaritas. well, i only had the one. and stephen, driver that he was, had a diet coke. but you get the idea. and the funny thing is stephen predicted at lunch that though we were all going back to their place to be productive- he to study, and me & mands to scrap- he figured she and i would be out cold by 4. well, i believe it was actually around 4:30 that amanda and i finally gave up our battles with the scrapping supplies, put away our measly one pages, curled up on our respective couches and took the best nap i've had in ages. ok, the only nap i've had in ages. but still. it was a splendid way to spend an afternoon.

been practicing self-portrait-taking. so far, i suck. i want a tripod and a window and a black velvet drape. and a better camera. ugh, how american of me. of course it's the trappings of the sport that will make me good. blecch. i make myself sick.

oh, and it's official. there are reading glasses in my life now. and for the computer. i'm dealing. don't get me wrong, i like them, i think they're cute. and i totally used to have phases where i'd wear glasses for fun. but it's less fun when they're functional. why is that? anyway, i made a page about it. [unfortunately, i can't seem to get the page load here so if you wanna see it go check out my gallery at 2peas- name: dawn m.]


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